First Fasab Quiz Of 2015.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Hello and welcome to the first fasab quiz of 2015.

Twenty questions that cover history, geography, science, music and nature and maybe more.

Some of them are quite easy though, so don’t be alarmed.

And as always, if you get stuck, you can find the answers waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down below, but please NO cheating!

Enjoy and good luck.


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Q.  1:  By what more common name are the 3rd Molars known?



Q.  2:  What do snakes use their tongues for?



Q.  3:  What is the diameter in meters, of the circle from which a discus is thrown?

            a)  1.5 meters                b)  2.5 meters                c)  3.5 meters



Q.  4:  What disease is an infection of the intestine caused by drinking dirty water?



Q.  5:  Which federal state consists of 26 Cantons?



Q.  6:  What is 9 percent of 9?



Q.  7:  What is the more common name for the chemical symbol ‘fe2o3’?



Q.  8:  What are the only 2 mammals to lay eggs rather than give birth to live offspring? (You get a point for each correct answer and a bonus point if you get both correct.)



Q.  9:  What killer disease very prevalent in past centuries was controlled by Jonas Salk’s vaccine?



Q. 10:  What type of fuel do jet aircraft use?



Q. 11:  How many minutes are there in a week?



Q. 12:  Common Salt is a compound formed from 2 elements, one is sodium what is the other?



Q. 13:  Which bird has ‘golden’, ‘silver’, ‘Lady Amherst’ and ‘argus’ varieties?



Q. 14:  What alternative name is given to the River Thames as it passes through Oxford, a name that has been very prominent in the international news recently for a very different reason?



Q. 15:  What is the second month of the year to have exactly 30 days?



Q. 16:  What kind of paper is used to test whether a liquid is acid or alkali?



Q. 17:  What are the two heaviest land animals? (A point for each correct answer.)



Q. 18:  The ancient city of Machu Picchu is in which country?



Q. 19:  Walter Frederick Morrison invented the ‘Pluto platter’ in 1948, but what is it more commonly known as today?



Q. 20:  What is the better known stage name of Robyn Fenty?






































































Q.  1:  By what more common name are the 3rd Molars known?

A.  1:  Wisdom teeth.



Q.  2:  What do snakes use their tongues for?

A.  2:  Hearing.



Q.  3:  What is the diameter in meters, of the circle from which a discus is thrown?

            a)  1.5 meters                b)  2.5 meters                c)  3.5 meters

A.  3:  The correct answer is b) 2.5 meters.



Q.  4:  What disease is an infection of the intestine caused by drinking dirty water?

A.  4:  Cholera.



Q.  5:  Which federal state consists of 26 Cantons?

A.  5:  Switzerland.



Q.  6:  What is 9 percent of 9?

A.  6:  It is 0.81.



Q.  7:  What is the more common name for the chemical symbol ‘fe2o3’?

A.  7:  Rust.



Q.  8:  What are the only 2 mammals to lay eggs rather than give birth to live offspring? (You get a point for each correct answer and a bonus point if you get both correct.)

A.  8:  Duckbilled platypus and the spiny anteater (will accept just ‘anteater’).



Q.  9:  What killer disease very prevalent in past centuries was controlled by Jonas Salk’s vaccine?

A.  9:  Polio.



Q. 10:  What type of fuel do jet aircraft use?

A. 10:  Kerosene.



Q. 11:  How many minutes are there in a week?

A. 11:  There are 10,080.



Q. 12:  Common Salt is a compound formed from 2 elements, one is sodium what is the other?

A. 12:  Chlorine



Q. 13:  Which bird has ‘golden’, ‘silver’, ‘Lady Amherst’ and ‘argus’ varieties?

A. 13:  Pheasant.



Q. 14:  What alternative name is given to the River Thames as it passes through Oxford, a name that has been very prominent in the international news recently for a very different reason?

A. 14:  It is called the ‘Isis’, the name also used for the militant Islamic terrorist group in Iraq and Syria.



Q. 15:  What is the second month of the year to have exactly 30 days?

A. 15:  June.



Q. 16:  What kind of paper is used to test whether a liquid is acid or alkali?

A. 16:  Litmus.



Q. 17:  What are the two heaviest land animals? (A point for each correct answer.)

A. 17:  The elephant and the hippopotamus.



Q. 18:  The ancient city of Machu Picchu is in which country?

A. 18:  Peru.



Q. 19:  Walter Frederick Morrison invented the ‘Pluto platter’ in 1948, but what is it more commonly known as today?

A. 19:  The ‘Frisbee’.



Q. 20:  What is the better known stage name of Robyn Fenty?

A. 20:  Rihanna.





Did You Know – The August Fact File Is Open.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


In truth nothing much to do with August, except that’s the months we are now in and you have to call these posts something.

But don’t let that deter you from finding out a few more interesting facts.

Here they are.


fact 01


You have over 100,000 km of blood vessels in your brain.

That’s enough to wrap around the world 4 times.

The arteries of the brain



Poinsettias are not lethal.

If your pet is silly enough to eat one,

it may upset its stomach but it won’t kill anything.




Allan Pinkerton,

famous for creating the Pinkerton detective agency

died of an infection after biting his tongue

when he slipped on a sidewalk.

Allan Pinkerton



Your ears secrete more earwax when

you are afraid than when you aren’t.

afraid more earwax



Chewing gum doesn’t take 7 years to digest.

It actually can’t be digested at all

and will pass right through you as is.




It takes a photon, on average, 170,000 years

to travel from the core of the sun to the surface.

Then it takes just 8 minutes

from the sun’s surface to your eyes.

a photon



The radiation leak from the Chenobyl nuclear reactor accident

caused the nearby forest to turn a bright ginger color,

thus the forest was named the “Red Forest”.


red forest



The Tinkerbelle that flies across the sky during the

Disney fireworks show is sometimes a man.

Tinkerbell fireworks display Disney



According to researchers,

who have not been there and don’t know what they are talking about,

the center of our galaxy tastes like raspberries and smells like rum.

raspberry and rum galaxy



According to astronauts,

who have been there and do know what they are talking about,

space smells like seared steak, hot metal, and welding fumes.

astronaut space-smell



On Sept. 2, 1944, George H W Bush was flying over Japan

when his aircraft was shot down in the Pacific.

Bush and another crewman were able to bail out,

but the other man’s parachute malfunctioned,

and he went down with the plane.

Bush was eventually rescued by a

submarine off the coast of Chichi-jima.

George H W Bush WWII



There are roughly 7,000 languages

estimated to still be spoken on Earth.

About 2,400 of them are in danger of going extinct.

In fact, one goes extinct every 14 days.

7,000 languages



War comes from a Germanic root

that meant “to confuse”




For a long time people speculated over the identity

of the secret informant behind the Watergate Scandal,

codenamed “Deep Throat”.

Recently he was revealed to be

former FBI associate director Mark Felt.

FBI associate director Mark Felt



Michael Holmes, the youngest man

to have ever received a skydiving instructor certification,

saw his young career almost come to an end

when on December 2006 a skydive jump went horribly wrong.

Due to faulty ropes, Holmes’ main and reserve parachutes

failed to deploy sending him spiraling out of control

towards certain death.

However, thanks to a blackberry bush,

Holmes was able to survive the fall

with only a punctured lung and a shattered ankle.

This horrifying experience was all captured on camera.

Here it is….



