More Awkward Moments – Life’s Great Levelers, part two

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Here are a few more examples of what I like to call awkward moments. Things that happen that are, by and large, beyond our control. Sometimes they make you laugh and sometimes they make you feel stupid.

Mostly, though, I laugh, that’s better!

Hope you do too.




That awkward moment when it’s quiet and you’re eating something crunchy.

(I take pride in this one.)



That awkward moment when you can’t tell if someone is a boy or a girl.

(The older I get, the more difficult it seems to be.)



That awkward moment when you start to cross your legs during a phone call because you’re busting to go to the loo.

(Hmmmm, been there, crossed that…er, those.)



That awkward moment when she looks at you and smiles. And then her boyfriend glares at you.

(Boy, the stories I could tell….)



That awkward moment when you change your Facebook status to “single” and your ex ‘Likes’ it.

(Facebook, yuk!)



That awkward moment when you type your ex’s name into your Facebook status instead of the ‘Search’ bar.

(Make that a double yuk!!)



That awkward moment when your Facebook friend tags a photo of you as a kid.

(Strike three, yuk!!!)



That awkward moment when you are in an important meeting and someone farting unexpectedly starts you to laugh.

(Most awkward if you are the culprit. )



That awkward moment when you’ve accidentally sent a text to the friend you were gossiping about.

(Guilty as charged.)



That awkward moment when you say “I love you” and he says “Okay”.

(Not me, pal.)



That awkward moment when someone you don’t want to date asks you out.

(I’m washing my hair. Helps if you have some though.)



That awkward moment when you are introducing someone and get their name wrong.

(Never been good with names.)



That awkward moment when you are in a class where you don’t speak to anyone, and your teacher says go find a partner.

(One of the drawbacks of being a loner, I guess.)



That awkward moment when someone mistakes you for the shop assistant.

(Happened to me in Walmart, they didn’t seem to think it unusual that I was no help at all.)



That awkward moment when you step out of the shower and then realize there is no towel.

(Very difficult to put your clothes on when you’re soaking wet.)



That awkward moment when you are gossiping about someone and they walk up behind you.

(Whoops, caught out again!)



That awkward moment when you push on the toilet door thinking no one was inside.

(I feel an airport toilet story coming on.)



That awkward moment when a man walks into the ladies toilets

(Haven’t managed that one yet.)



That awkward moment when you pick up the remote control to answer the phone.

(Or worse, see video.)

