Movies, Music And Murder In Today’s Quiz.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Yes, movies, music and murder all appear in today’s quiz.

Lots of other subjects too.

And as usual, if you get stuck, you can find the answers waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down below, but please NO cheating!

Enjoy and good luck.


puzzle, test, exam. quiz, assessment


Q.  1:  Who was assassinated at the theater by John Wilkes Booth?



Q.  2:  What is the most abundant substance found in the plant kingdom?



Q.  3:  What well known city in the Far East is known as ‘The Lion City’ ?



Q.  4:  Who discovered the law that the volume of a given mass of gas at a constant temperature is inversely proportional to its pressure?



Q.  5:  What type of creature is a Pacific sea wasp?



Q.  6:  Which of Napoleon’s victories had a chicken dish named after it?



Q.  7:  In which country is the port of Fray Bentos?



Q.  8:  What was the name of the English galleon best known for her circumnavigation of the globe between 1577 and 1580, captained by Sir Francis Drake?



Q.  9:  English novelist John Meade Falkner, not to be confused with the famous American author John Faulkner, published three novels. ‘The Nebuly Coat’ was one of them, you get a point for each of the other two you can name correctly and two bonus points if you get both of them correct.



Q. 10:  What are the only two numbers on a dartboard to lie between two odd ones?



Q. 11:  What wind is a warm southerly coming from the Sahara Desert over the Mediterranean?



Q. 12:  What is the largest flat fish species?



Q. 13:  Which Washington D.C. born oscar-winning actress wrote ‘A Lotus Grows in the Mud’ ?



Q. 14:  Kareem Abdul-Jabbar played 20 seasons in which sport?



Q. 15:  What item of clothing was named after its Scottish inventor?



Q. 16:  On which continent would you find the world’s most ancient forest?



Q. 17:  Bray Studios, near Windsor in Berkshire, England was home to which famous brand of horror films? 



Q. 18:  Which kind of flower bulbs were once exchanged as a form of currency?



Q. 19:  Name the three primary colors.



Q. 20:  What was the name of the song performed by Eton John, a revised version of which became a mega-hit after being sung live by Elton at Princess Diana’s funeral? A bonus point if you can also correctly name the sub-title given to the latter version.










































































Q.  1:  Who was assassinated at the theater by John Wilkes Booth?

A.  1:  Abraham Lincoln.



Q.  2:  What is the most abundant substance found in the plant kingdom?

A.  2:  Cellulose.



Q.  3:  What well known city in the Far East is known as ‘The Lion City’ ?

A.  3:  Singapore.



Q.  4:  Who discovered the law that the volume of a given mass of gas at a constant temperature is inversely proportional to its pressure?

A.  4:  Robert Boyle.



Q.  5:  What type of creature is a Pacific sea wasp?

A.  5:  It is a Jellyfish.



Q.  6:  Which of Napoleon’s victories had a chicken dish named after it?

A.  6:  Marengo.



Q.  7:  In which country is the port of Fray Bentos?

A.  7:  In the South American country Uruguay.



Q.  8:  What was the name of the English galleon best known for her circumnavigation of the globe between 1577 and 1580, captained by Sir Francis Drake?

A.  8:  It was the Golden Hind or Golden Hinde.



Q.  9:  English novelist John Meade Falkner, not to be confused with the famous American author John Faulkner, published three novels. ‘The Nebuly Coat’ was one of them, you get a point for each of the other two you can name correctly and two bonus points if you get both of them correct.

A.  9:  They are ‘The Lost Stradivarius’ and ‘Moonfleet’.



Q. 10:  What are the only two numbers on a dartboard to lie between two odd ones?

A. 10:  3 and 19 (there is a run of four odd numbers around the bottom – 17,3,19,7, nowhere else is there a run of more than 2 consecutive odd or even numbers).



Q. 11:  What wind is a warm southerly coming from the Sahara Desert over the Mediterranean?

A. 11:  Sirocco.



Q. 12:  What is the largest flat fish species?

A. 12:  Halibut.



Q. 13:  Which Washington D.C. born oscar-winning actress wrote ‘A Lotus Grows in the Mud’ ?

A. 13:  Goldie Hawn.



Q. 14:  Kareem Abdul-Jabbar played 20 seasons in which sport?

A. 14:  Basketball.



Q. 15:  What item of clothing was named after its Scottish inventor?

A. 15:  A mackintosh.



Q. 16:  On which continent would you find the world’s most ancient forest?

A. 16:  In Australia specifically Daintree Forest, north of Cairns.



Q. 17:  Bray Studios, near Windsor in Berkshire, England was home to which famous brand of horror films? 

A. 17:  Hammer Horror.



Q. 18:  Which kind of flower bulbs were once exchanged as a form of currency?

A. 18:  Tulips.



Q. 19:  Name the three primary colors.

A. 19:  Red, yellow and blue.



Q. 20:  What was the name of the song performed by Eton John, a revised version of which became a mega-hit after being sung live by Elton at Princess Diana’s funeral? A bonus point if you can also correctly name the sub-title given to the latter version.

A. 20:  It was ‘Candle in the wind’. For your bonus point the sub-title for the revised version was ‘Goodbye England’s Rose’.





2 thoughts on “Movies, Music And Murder In Today’s Quiz.

  1. Today’s alliterated title made the quiz seem friendly but it didn’t help my score. A replica of Sir Francis Drake’s Golden Hind once came to Corpus Christi and I took a tour. So tiny! Happy Monday!

    • Thanks for visiting and trying the quiz. I know exactly what you mean, I’ve seen a couple of those ships and compared to today’s lot they are indeed tiny.

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