Happy Meal Facts!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Welcome to happy meal day at the fasab blog.

So tuck in tso a few interesting facts.

But above all…



did you know4


Every 14.5 hours a McDonald’s

opens somewhere in the world




Almost everything in space is unimaginably big

and the supergiant, as the name suggests, is no exception.

Supergiants are among the most massive and

most luminous stars, more massive and up to a

million times more luminous than the Sun.

 Big things in space



In Ancient Egypt servants were covered in honey

to keep flies away from pharaoh




Antarctica holds as much water in its ice

as the entire Atlantic Ocean




In spite of the fact that they

built over 30,000 km of road,

the Incas never developed

or discovered the wheel

 Inca roads



2.5% of the American population perished

during the American Civil War

 American Civil War



The Hope Diamond is estimated to be worth

$200-250 million and resides at the

Smithsonian Natural History Museum.

It is said to be cursed and supposedly causes

great misfortune and misery to whoever wears it.

One wearer was even said to have been

ripped apart by dogs, and another by a French mob.

 Hope Diamond



Did you know that you can get ice cream in

Bacon, Garlic, Deep Fried Oyster

and Corn on the Cob flavors?

 ice creams



In Denmark all drivers must

check under the car before starting it,

just to see if there is someone underneath

 drivers must check under the car



The Constitution of the Confederate States of America

banned the slave trade, and when

the American Civil War started,

Confederate Robert E. Lee owned no slaves,

whereas Union general U.S. Grant did.

 U S Grant and Robert E Lee



Apparently men buy more ties during harder times

to appear as though they’re working.

Tie width used to be a factor due to austerity measures

during past wars but these days economists mainly

just look at the number of ties being bought.




Yellowstone in the USA was the

first national park on Earth.

President Ulysses S Grant declared

it a protected area in 1872.

Yellowstone National Park




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