Need Your Brains Tested? Then You’ve Come To The Right Place. It’s Quiz Day!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


A few years ago a friend of mine who was experiencing headaches was sent for a brain scan.

Later I asked him how he got on.

“They couldn’t find anything,” he replied very relieved.

“I could have told you that and saved you a lot of money,” I told him and laughed.

He never got the joke.


But on to today’s brain test.

Another twenty easy, hard and tricky questions for you to try.

As usual the answers are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down below – but NO cheating!

Best of luck.


quiz 06


Q.  1:  Which rabbit was the hero of some of Beatrix Potter’s stories?



Q.  2:  In which of the arts did Vaslav Nijinsky make his mark?



Q.  3:  Which diminutive and very young Russian gymnast was a star of the 1972 Olympics?



Q.  4:  Which land mammal has the highest blood pressure?  (Obvious if you think about it.)



Q.  5:  Which ‘big man’ is credited with discovering a route through the Cumberland Pass in frontier America?



Q.  6:  What kind of electricity can be produced by combing your hair?



Q.  7:  The sound of screaming demons leaving Regan’s body in the movie ‘The Exorcist’ is actually a recording of what?



Q.  8:  Yachting, which country held the Americas Cup from 1932 till 1983?



Q.  9:  1981 saw the abolition of which means of execution in France?



Q. 10:  Who is the only man to have won the  SAME  Grand Slam singles title in tennis on three different surfaces?



Q. 11:  Which drink is named after those who once owned large tracks of land in the eastern part of North America?



Q. 12:  According to Plato, what was found just beyond the Pillars of Hercules?



Q. 13:  Which heavenly fortified dessert wine is one of, if not the oldest wine from California?



Q. 14:  What was the name given to the first nuclear test in the USA on the 16th of July 1945?



Q. 15:  In the movie industry, which name is given to an ordinary on set helper?



Q. 16:  What is the S shaped sound hole in a violin called?



Q. 17:  Which word used to describe someone who is skillful means, when translated, ‘to the right’?



Q. 18:  Which world famous landmark is found on Mount Lee?



Q. 19:  If you were awarded 10 points in the UK for using it but only 1 point in Poland, what would you be doing?



Q. 20:  Which infamous cleaning term was coined by US journalist Edward Hunter in the early 1950s?








































































Q.  1:  Which rabbit was the hero of some of Beatrix Potter’s stories?

A.  1:  Peter Rabbit.



Q.  2:  In which of the arts did Vaslav Nijinsky make his mark?

A.  2:  Ballet.



Q.  3:  Which diminutive and very young Russian gymnast was a star of the 1972 Olympics?

A.  3:  Olga Korbut.



Q.  4:  Which land mammal has the highest blood pressure?  (Obvious if you think about it.)

A.  4:  The giraffe.



Q.  5:  Which ‘big man’ is credited with discovering a route through the Cumberland Pass in frontier America?

A.  5:  Daniel Boone.



Q.  6:  What kind of electricity can be produced by combing your hair?

A.  6:  Static electricity.



Q.  7:  The sound of screaming demons leaving Regan’s body in the movie ‘The Exorcist’ is actually a recording of what?

A.  7:  A pig or pigs being led to the slaughter.



Q.  8:  Yachting, which country held the Americas Cup from 1932 till 1983?

A.  8:  The USA.



Q.  9:  1981 saw the abolition of which means of execution in France?

A.  9:  Guillotine.



Q. 10:  Who is the only man to have won the  SAME  Grand Slam singles title in tennis on three different surfaces?

A. 10:  Jimmy Conners won the US Open title on grass, on clay and on hard court.



Q. 11:  Which drink is named after those who once owned large tracks of land in the eastern part of North America?

A. 11:  Bourbon. (After the house of Bourbon royal family).



Q. 12:  According to Plato, what was found just beyond the Pillars of Hercules?

A. 12:  Atlantis.



Q. 13:  Which heavenly fortified dessert wine is one of, if not the oldest wine from California?

A. 13:  Angelica.



Q. 14:  What was the name given to the first nuclear test in the USA on the 16th of July 1945?

A. 14:  Trinity.



Q. 15:  In the movie industry, which name is given to an ordinary on set helper?

A. 15:  A ‘Grip’. (You’ll see them mentioned in every movie credit.)



Q. 16:  What is the ‘S’ shaped sound hole in a violin called?

A. 16:  It is called the ‘f-hole’.



Q. 17:  Which word used to describe someone who is skillful means, when translated, ‘to the right’?

A. 17:  Adroit.



Q. 18:  Which world famous landmark is found on Mount Lee?

A. 18:  The Hollywood Sign.



Q. 19:  If you were awarded 10 points in the UK for using it but only 1 point in Poland, what would you be doing?

A. 19:  Playing Scrabble. It is the different values given to the letter ‘Z’ for obvious reasons.



Q. 20:  Which infamous cleaning term was coined by US journalist Edward Hunter in the early 1950s?

A. 20:  Brainwashing. (During the Korean War)




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