People, Places And Probably More – Quiz Day!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


People and places feature a lot in today’s quiz so if you’re good at those then you are in with a good chance of scoring well.

You will also find out what the CIA has been up to with your tax dollars. Makes you proud!

As usual, if you get stuck, you can find the answers waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down below, but please NO cheating!

Enjoy and good luck.


quiz confused1


Q.  1.  A ‘Beluga’ is a type of what?



Q.  2. In what country did the game of ‘Chess’ originate?



Q.  3.  In 1983 the District of Columbia petitioned to become a state, if the petition had been successful what was the new state to be called?



Q.  4.  The popular ‘Volkswagen Beetle’ car was developed under whose direction?



Q.  5.  What drug did the CIA hand out in order to bribe warlords in Afghanistan?



Q.  6.  What began as a winter resort for the British aristocracy in the late 1700s and now hosts 50% of the world’s super yachts every year?



Q.  7.  What two men wrote the first and the final drafts of the American Declaration of Independence? (A point for each correct answer.)



Q.  8.  What percentage of the water on Earth is saltwater?

            a)  17%          b) 37%          c) 57%          d)  77%          e) 97%



Q.  9.  What mountain range is sometimes known as “The Backbone Of England” ?



Q. 10.  What was the last major landmass on earth to be populated by humans?



Q. 11.  What is the name given to a young female cow that has not given birth?



Q. 12.  What famous gourmet insured his taste buds for £250,000 in 1993?



Q. 13.  ‘Duplicatus’, ‘intortus’ and ‘perlucidus’ are among the varieties of what?



Q. 14.  What well known city in Australia used to be known as ‘Batmania’ ?



Q. 15.  What King of England was famous for having six wives?



Q. 16.  And how many of his six wives did this King have executed? (A bonus point for each one you can name correctly.)



Q. 17.  What is the more common name for the fictional character ‘Kal-El’ and where is he supposed to be from? (A point for each correct answer.)



Q. 18.  What is the famous steeplechase horse race run at Aintreee in Liverpool, England every year?



Q. 19.  What well known classical music composer has the initials ‘W.A.M.’ ?



Q. 20.  And finally for today another name. Columbo is one of the most famous ever detectives to appear on television but what is his first name?










































































Q.  1.  A ‘Beluga’ is a type of what?

A.  1.  Whale.



Q.  2. In what country did the game of ‘Chess’ originate?

A.  2. Chess originated in India during the Gupta Empire (almost 1,400 years ago)



Q.  3.  In 1983 the District of Columbia petitioned to become a state, if the petition had been successful what was the new state to be called?

A.  3.  New Columbia.



Q.  4.  The popular ‘Volkswagen Beetle’ car was developed under whose direction?

A.  4.  Volkswagen Beetles were developed by Hitler because he wanted to manufacture a cheap, affordable car for his roadways.



Q.  5.  What drug did the CIA hand out in order to bribe warlords in Afghanistan?

A.  5.  Viagra.



Q.  6.  What began as a winter resort for the British aristocracy in the late 1700s and now hosts 50% of the world’s super yachts every year?

A.  6.  The French Riviera.



Q.  7.  What two men wrote the first and the final drafts of the American Declaration of Independence? (A point for each correct answer.)

A.  7.  Benjamin Franklin actually wrote the first Declaration of Independence. Eventually, however, Thomas Jefferson was chosen to write the final draft.



Q.  8.  What percentage of the water on Earth is saltwater?

            a)  17%          b) 37%          c) 57%          d)  77%          e) 97%

A.  8.  The correct answer is e) 97%.



Q.  9.  What mountain range is sometimes known as “The Backbone Of England” ?

A.  9.  The Pennines.



Q. 10.  What was the last major landmass on earth to be populated by humans?

A. 10.  New Zealand.



Q. 11.  What is the name given to a young female cow that has not given birth?

A. 11.  It is known as a heifer.



Q. 12.  What famous gourmet insured his taste buds for £250,000 in 1993?

A. 12.  Egon Ronay.



Q. 13.  ‘Duplicatus’, ‘intortus’ and ‘perlucidus’ are among the varieties of what?

A. 13.  They are all the names of clouds (cirrus duplicatus, cirrus intortus and altocumulus perlucidus to be more precise.)



Q. 14.  What well known city in Australia used to be known as ‘Batmania’ ?

A. 14.  The city of Melbourne used to be called ‘Batmania’.



Q. 15.  What King of England was famous for having six wives?

A. 15.  Henry VIII.



Q. 16.  And how many of his six wives did this King have executed? (A bonus point for each one you can name correctly.)

A. 16.  Henry VIII had two of his wives executed, Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard.



Q. 17.  What is the more common name for the fictional character ‘Kal-El’ and where is he supposed to be from? (A point for each correct answer.)

A. 17.  His more common name is Superman and hs home planet is Krypton.



Q. 18.  What is the famous steeplechase horse race run at Aintreee in Liverpool, England every year?

A. 18.  It is called the ‘Grand National’.



Q. 19.  What well known classical music composer has the initials ‘W.A.M.’

A. 19.  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.



Q. 20.  And finally for today another name. Columbo is one of the most famous ever detectives to appear on television but what is his first name?

A. 20.  His first name is “Frank”. It can be seen on his police ID, for example, in the 1971 episode “Dead Weight”, when Columbo introduces himself to General Hollister. So now you know!





Last Quiz For This April.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Welcome to the last quiz for this April.

A good mixture of questions this week, some very easy and few that should sort out the serious quizzers from the casual players.

As usual if you get stuck the answers can be found waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down below, but please NO cheating!

Enjoy and good luck.


quiz 10


Q.  1:  What does the ‘Q’ in ‘Q-tips’ stand for?



Q.  2:  How many curves are in a standard paper clip?



Q.  3:  In which river are the 1000 islands?



Q.  4:  The scene of a famous battle, the city of Montevideo is located at the mouth of which river?



Q.  5:  During World War II, the largest Japanese spy ring was located where?



Q.  6:  In which country was the “angel of the north” erected in 1998?



Q.  7:  What 6 colors are on the classic Campbell’s soup label? (A point for each.)



Q.  8:  She was the leader of the British movement for  female suffrage and in 1903 founded the Women’s Political Union which agitated for votes for women, but died in 1928 just before full voting rights were granted. Who was she?



Q.  9:  On the United States “Stars and Stripes” flag, is the top stripe red or white?



Q. 10:  Which German leader was known as the ‘Iron Chancellor’?



Q. 11:  Name the character who said, “I do wish we could chat longer but I’m having an old friend for dinner” and the movie from which it comes? (A point for each correct answer.)



Q. 12:  Which way do fans rotate?



Q. 13:  England’s King Henry VIII is infamous for having six wives and for having some of them executed by beheading. But how many of the six wives lost their heads?



Q. 14:  If ‘Lady’ is a pedigree spaniel what is the name of the mongrel?



Q. 15:  Whose face is on a dime? 



Q. 16:  The now famous line “Show me the money” comes from what well known movie?



Q. 17:  Which country did Xerxes rule?



Q. 18:  Who is missing from this list?

Sleepy,   Happy,   Sneezy,   Grumpy,   Dopey,   Doc.



Q. 19:  Which actor in 1962 was the first to say the immortal line “The name is Bond – James Bond”  and in which movie? (A point for each correct answer.)



Q. 20:  Who sang about the ‘Witchita line man’?








































































Q.  1:  What does the ‘Q’ in ‘Q-tips’ stand for?

A.  1:  The ‘Q’ in ‘Q-tips’ stands for ‘quality’.



Q.  2:  How many curves are in a standard paper clip?

A.  2:  There are 3 curves on a standard paper clip. (Did you have to look?)



Q.  3:  In which river are the 1000 islands?

A.  3:  In the St Lawrence River.



Q.  4:  The scene of a famous battle, the city of Montevideo is located at the mouth of which river?

A.  4:  The River Plate  (Rio de la Plate).



Q.  5:  During World War II, the largest Japanese spy ring was located where?

A.  5:  The largest Japanese spy ring during WWII was not in the U.S. but in Mexico, where it spied on the U.S. Atlantic Fleet.



Q.  6:  In which country was the “angel of the north” erected in 1998?

A.  6:  In England.



Q.  7:  What 6 colors are on the classic Campbell’s soup label? (A point for each.)

A.  7:  Blue, red, white, yellow, black, and gold.



Q.  8:  She was the leader of the British movement for  female suffrage and in 1903 founded the Women’s Political Union which agitated for votes for women, but died in 1928 just before full voting rights were granted. Who was she?

A.  8:  Emmeline Pankhurst.



Q.  9:  On the United States “Stars and Stripes” flag, is the top stripe red or white?

A.  9:  It is Red. (Again I hope you didn’t have to look!)



Q. 10:  Which German leader was known as the ‘Iron Chancellor’?

A. 10:  Bismarck.



Q. 11:  Name the character who said, “I do wish we could chat longer but I’m having an old friend for dinner” and the movie from which it comes? (A point for each correct answer.)

A. 11:  Hannibal Lecter said it in the Silence of the Lambs.



Q. 12:  Which way do fans rotate?

A. 12:  Clockwise as you look at it



Q. 13:  England’s King Henry VIII is infamous for having six wives and for having some of them executed by beheading. But how many of the six wives lost their heads?

A. 13:  Only two, people usually think it is more.



Q. 14:  If ‘Lady’ is a pedigree spaniel what is the name of the mongrel?

A. 14:  His name is ‘Tramp’, from the animated feature ‘Lady and the Tramp’.



Q. 15:  Whose face is on a dime?

A. 15:  US President Franklin D Roosevelt.



Q. 16:  The now famous line “Show me the money” comes from what well known movie?

A. 16:  The movie was ‘Jerry Maguire’, starring Tom Cruise and Cuba Gooding Jr.



Q. 17:  Which country did Xerxes rule?

A. 17:  Persia.



Q. 18:  Who is missing from this list?

Sleepy,   Happy,   Sneezy,   Grumpy,   Dopey,   Doc. 

A. 18:  Bashful is missing, he was afraid to appear.



Q. 19:  Which actor in 1962 was the first to say the immortal line “The name is Bond – James Bond”  and in which movie? (A point for each correct answer.)

A. 19:  Sean Connery in Dr No.



Q. 20:  Who sang about the ‘Witchita line man’?

A. 20:  Glen Campbell.



