Good Luck, It’s Quiz Day!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Another Monday, another quiz to start the week.

As usual the answers are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down below  –  but NO cheating!

Enjoy, and good luck!


Quiz 6


Q.  1:  Who sang ‘Coward of the County’ in 1980?



Q.  2:  Of which Native American tribe was Sitting Bull a member?



Q.  3:  Which temple stands on the Acropolis in Athens?



Q.  4:  Who was the first man to win the Academy Award for best actor two years in a row?

    a) Clark Gable

    b) James Stewart

    c) Charles Laughton

    d) Spencer Tracy



Q.  5:  What nickname was given to Baron von Richthofen’s fighter squadron in World War I?



Q.  6:  Of which country has President Kenneth Kaudu been the leader?



Q.  7:  In which fictional American town or city was the TV series Northern Exposure set?



Q.  8:  What nationality is tennis player Boris Becker?



Q.  9:  Which religion was founded by Prince Guatama Siddhartha in the 6th century BC?



Q. 10:  What was the nationality of Zorba in the movie and who played him?



Q. 11:  What is the name of Ozzy Osbourne’s wife?



Q. 12:  Where were Geoffrey Chaucer’s pilgrims going as they told their tales?



Q. 13:  In Rastafari, who is known as ‘The Lion of Judah’?



Q. 14:  What term is given to the point in spring when the sun’s path crosses the celestial equator, so that day and night are of approximately equal length?



Q. 15:  The composer Ludwig van Beethoven and the poet William Wordsworth were both born in the same year. Which year was it?



Q. 16:  On the 7th of January 1785, George Washington became the first man in North America to send which kind of letter?



Q. 17:  Who was the young star of ‘National Velvet’ in 1945?



Q. 18:  Although its name is a synonym for ‘no apprehension’, which massive revolutionary invention, first introduced in 1906, instilled fear all over the world?



Q. 19:  Who was the first person to appear on the cover of the Rolling Stone?  

    a) Dr Hook

    b) Elvis

    c) John Lennon

    d) Mick Jagger



Q. 20:  This ‘Soul Man’ took a ‘Walk On The Wild Side’ and then had a ‘Perfect Day’. Who was he?










































































Q.  1:  Who sang ‘Coward of the County’ in 1980?

A.  1:  Kenny Rogers



Q.  2:  Of which American tribe was Sitting Bull a member?

A.  2:  Lakota Sioux.



Q.  3:  Which temple stands on the Acropolis in Athens?

A.  3:  The Parthenon.



Q.  4:  Who was the first man to win the Academy Award for best actor two years in a row?

    a) Clark Gable

    b) James Stewart

    c) Charles Laughton

    d) Spencer Tracy

A.  4:  d) Spencer Tracy (1937 for Captains Courageous and 1938 for Boys Town)



Q.  5:  What nickname was given to Baron von Richthofen’s fighter squadron in World War I?

A.  5: ‘Flying Circus’ or ‘Richthofen’s Circus’.



Q.  6:  Of which country has President Kaudu been the leader?

A.  6:  Zambia.



Q.  7:  In which fictional American town or city was the TV series Northern Exposure set?

A.  7:  Cicely, Alaska.



Q.  8:  What nationality is tennis player Boris Becker?

A.  8:  German.



Q.  9:  Which religion was founded by Prince Guatama Siddhartha in the 6th century BC?

A.  9:  Buddhism.



Q. 10:  What was the nationality of Zorba in the movie and who played him?

A. 10:  Greek, and he was played by Anthony Quinn.



Q. 11:  What is the name of Ozzy Osbourne’s wife?

A. 11:  Sharon.



Q. 12:  Where were Geoffrey Chaucer’s pilgrims going as they told their tales?

A. 12:  Canterbury.



Q. 13:  In Rastafari, who is known as ‘The Lion of Judah’?

A. 13:  Haile Selassie (the First).



Q. 14:  What term is given to the point in spring when the sun’s path crosses the celestial equator, so that day and night are of approximately equal length?

A. 14:  The vernal equinox.



Q. 15:  The composer Ludwig van Beethoven and the poet William Wordsworth were both born in the same year. Which year was it?

A. 15:  1770.



Q. 16:  On the 7th of January 1785, George Washington became the first man in North America to send which kind of letter?

A. 16:  An ‘Air Mail’.  Using a balloon. The letter was addressed to no one but was to be given to the owner of the property on which the balloon landed.



Q. 17:  Who was the young star of ‘National Velvet’ in 1945?

A. 17:  Elizabeth Taylor.



Q. 18:  Although its name is a synonym for ‘no apprehension’, which massive revolutionary invention, first introduced in 1906, instilled fear all over the world?

A. 18:  The Dreadnought battleship.



Q. 19:  Who was the first person to appear on the cover of the Rolling Stone?  

    a) Dr Hook

    b) Elvis

    c) John Lennon

    d) Mick Jagger

A. 19:  c) John Lennon.



Q. 20:  This ‘Soul Man’ took a ‘Walk On The Wild Side’ and then had a ‘Perfect Day’. Who was he?

A. 20:  Lou Reed, those are the names of his songs that made it in the charts.


