Silly Named Game.

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


A few months ago, I can’t remember exactly without doing a search on the blog, I did a short series that I called ‘The Silly Name Game’. Unsurprisingly it featured people with silly names. And some of them were very silly indeed. Here are a couple of examples to get you in the mood.

Silly name


funny names 002


But names are inflicted on people. They don’t really get to choose them. If they are lucky the girls ease their pain by ditching a silly or embarrassing birth name for that of a husband, but the guys are stuck, unless they change the ones they get at birth by deed poll or some other official device.

However, as luck would have it, people don’t tend to find their own names humorous or unusual. Familiarity I suppose dulls the senses over the years.

But the question that puzzles me most is, why, when people do get to choose a name, like a name of a town, for example, do they choose something absolutely awful?

If you have never noticed or thought about that you have an opportunity now because this post is about towns that have been named rather badly by someone who really should have known better. Personally I think large amounts of either stupidity or alcohol (or perhaps a combination of both) may have had something to do with it.

Here you go.

As always, enjoy.



 silly town names - City of Cumming




silly town names - Sweet Lips




silly town names - Goobertown




silly town names - Burnt Corn




silly town names - Beaver Lick




silly town names - Horneytown




silly town names - Climax




silly town names - Toad Suck




silly town names - Penistone




silly town names - Dildo




silly town names - Middlefart




And perhaps most appropriately of all,


silly town names - Idiotville


