I Like Watching Game Shows

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Don’t start me on soaps which I don’t watch. Except a few years ago for SOAP which was a soap about how bad soaps could be and was quite good indeed. Confused, as they said? Quite possibly but you’re inside my mind now and this is how it operates.

The television soap SOAP
The television soap SOAP

But Game Shows like Family Feud, Family Fortunes, Wheel of Fortune, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, etc., I do like. Sometimes I try to answer the questions just to limber up a brain cell or two, but really I watch them in the hope that a complete twit will take the stage – usually the first one out of town, as it happens, after they’ve been asked a few questions!

Here are a few examples of what I mean.



Worst wheel of fortune fail ever?

Probably not but what an idiot!





Dumbest Who Wants To Be A Millionaire contestant ever?

Probably not but very close.







There are surprises too, when the people questioned in the sample give just as dumb an answer as the contestant.




And my favorite, something that gets passed around
