Quiz Monday!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Welcome to another Quiz Monday on the fasab blog.

One or two unusual questions today as well as the randomness of other weeks, so be on your toes.

As always if you do get stuck you can find the answers waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay dow below, but please NO cheating!

Enjoy and good luck. 


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Q.  1:  How many cellos are involved in a typical string quartet?



Q.  2:  Since the late 1970s ‘Superman’ has been portrayed in movies and on TV by five different actors, can you name them? (A point for each correct answer.)



Q.  3:  This one is the name of a robot and a mobile device operating system, what is it?



Q.  4:  Why would it be right to say that Hollande is now in charge of France?



Q.  5:  In the epic poem ‘Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ by the English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge, what was shot with a crossbow?



Q.  6:  For what is Wynkyn de Worde (who died about 1534) famous?



Q.  7:  How many independent ‘Baltic states’ are there? (A point for the correct number and bonus points for each one you can name).



Q.  8:  Who had three UK Top Ten hits duetting with Ronald Reagan’s first wife, Princess Grace of Monaco and David Bowie?



Q.  9:  In which city was Joan of Arc burnt to death for being a witch?



Q. 10:  Who was the ‘Omega Man’ in the movie of the same name?



Q. 11:  What is the United States of America’s highest military honor, awarded for personal acts of valor above and beyond the call of duty?



Q. 12:  And for which war was the United States of America’s highest military honor created?



Q. 13:  Which leader’s statue was pulled down in Red Square in 1991?



Q. 14:  What word links Britain’s King Arthur and America’s Kennedy clan?



Q. 15:  In which country was the liberator Simon Bolivar born and which country is named after him?



Q. 16:  What animal is on the cover of The Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds album?



Q. 17:  What is the well known word for ‘sailor of the stars’?



Q. 18:  Which solo performer and high flyer was selected as the first Time magazine Man of the Year in 1927?



Q. 19:  The answer is the number that links Charlton Heston and Bo Derek.



Q. 20:  With which instrument would you associate the jazz musicians Theolonius Monk and Art Tatum?









































































Q.  1:  How many cellos are involved in a typical string quartet?

A.  1:  One.



Q.  2:  Since the late 1970s ‘Superman’ has been portrayed in movies and on TV by five different actors, can you name them? (A point for each correct answer.)

A.  2:  (a) Christopher Reeve (1978–1987) in ‘Superman: The Movie’, ‘Superman II’, ‘Superman III’, and ‘Superman IV: The Quest For Peace’.

(b) Dean Cain (1993–1997) in the television series ‘Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman’.

(c) Tom Welling (2001–2011) in the television series ‘Smallville’.

(d) Brandon Routh (2006) in the movie ‘Superman Returns’.

And (e) Henry Cavill (2013) in the movie ‘Man of Steel’.



Q.  3:  This one is the name of a robot and a mobile device operating system, what is it?

A.  3:  Android.



Q.  4:  Why would it be right to say that Hollande is now in charge of France?

A.  4:  Because Francois Hollande was elected President on France in 2012.



Q.  5:  In the epic poem ‘Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ by the English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge, what was shot with a crossbow?

A.  5:  An Albatross.



Q.  6:  For what is Wynkyn de Worde (who died about 1534) famous?

A.  6:  The clue was in his name, Wynkyn de Worde (originally Jan van Wynkyn) (pronounced: “Winkin dee Werd”) was a printer and publisher in London known for his work with William Caxton, and is recognized as the first to popularize the products of the printing press in England.



Q.  7:  How many independent ‘Baltic states’ are there? (A point for the correct number and bonus points for each one you can name).

A.  7:  There are three Baltic States, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania.



Q.  8:  Who had three UK Top Ten hits duetting with Ronald Reagan’s first wife, Princess Grace of Monaco and David Bowie?

A.  8:  Bing Crosby.



Q.  9:  In which city was Joan of Arc burnt to death for being a witch?

A.  9:  Rouen.



Q. 10:  Who was the ‘Omega Man’ in the movie of the same name?

A. 10:  Charlton Heston.



Q. 11:  What is the United States of America’s highest military honor, awarded for personal acts of valor above and beyond the call of duty?

A. 11:  The Medal of Honor.



Q. 12:  And for which war was the United States of America’s highest military honor created?

A. 12:  The Medal of Honor was created in 1861, early in the American Civil War, to give recognition to men who distinguished themselves “conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity” in combat with an enemy of the United States.



Q. 13:  Which leader’s statue was pulled down in Red Square in 1991?

A. 13:  Lenin’s.



Q. 14:  What word links Britain’s King Arthur and America’s Kennedy clan?

A. 14:  Camelot.



Q. 15:  In which country was the liberator Simon Bolivar born and which country is named after him?

A. 15:  He was born in Venezuela and the country of Bolivia is named after him.



Q. 16:  What animal is on the cover of The Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds album?

A. 16:  Goats.



Q. 17:  What is the well known word for ‘sailor of the stars’?

A. 17:  Astronaut is ‘sailor of the stars’.



Q. 18:  Which solo performer and high flyer was selected as the first Time magazine Man of the Year in 1927?

A. 18:  Charles Lindbergh.



Q. 19:  The answer is the number that links Charlton Heston and Bo Derek.

A. 19:  The number is ‘10’, Charlton Heston starring in the movie ‘The Ten Commandments’ and Bo Derek in the movie ‘10’.  



Q. 20:  With which instrument would you associate the jazz musicians Theolonius Monk and Art Tatum?

A. 20:  The piano.



