Did You Know? – Fasab’s Fabulous Fact Feast!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureucracy”


Another fabulous fact feast on the fasab blog.

Hope there are a few things in here that are new and interesting for you.



did you know2


Pepsi-Cola was originally called “Brad’s Drink.”

Brad's Drink



Most supermarkets place their bakery areas near the entrance

because studies have shown that the aroma of fresh-baked goods

makes customers spend more money.




Although most people think that it was a spin-off from the telephone,

the first fax machine was actually invented over 25 years before the telephone.




The Kentucky Derby is also known as the Run for the Roses.




Not all comets are as “regular” as Halley’s Comet.

Astronomers believe that Comet West,

which last visited our neighborhood in 1975-76,

won’t be seen again for another half-million years.




In 1835, John Wilkes Booth’s father Junius

threatened to kill President Andrew Jackson.

Junius Brutus Booth



Cashews are related to poison ivy.




The fortune cookie was invented in the early 20th century

by Makato Hagiwara, who designed the Japanese Tea Garden

in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park.

He intended the cookie to be a snack for people walking through the garden.

fortune cookie



Bubble gum is pink because when it was invented,

pink was the only food dye on hand.




The first skyjacking occurred in 1931 in the skies above Peru.

Two rebel soldiers forced the pilot of a Fokker F-27 to fly them over Lima

so they could drop propaganda pamphlets onto the city.




Teddy Roosevelt’s first wife and mother

died on the same day in the same house.

The day was Valentine’s Day of 1884.

Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt



The “Crows Nest” on a ship

(the basket near the top of the mast)

used to actually contain a crow.

The ships navigator would use one of the birds as a guide in bad weather,

since they invariably flew towards land.




Only 1% of all the readily accessible water on earth is drinkable.

potable water



In 1557, European doctors recommended smoking

to combat bad breath and cancer.




In the 1904 Olympics, American gymnast George Eyser

faired quite well, winning six medals

even though his left leg was made of wood.

George Eyser



Al Capone’s brother was a cop.




The Orange River in southern Africa

isn’t named for the fruit or the color;

it’s named for the Dutch royal family

who sent explorers to “discover” the area.




The Haskell Free Library and Opera House

straddles the Canadian and Vermont border.

The actors perform in Canada

while most of the audience sits in the United States.

There is even a painted line running through the building.

Haskell Free Library and Opera House, Quebec-Vermont border



The phrase “going commando” originated during the Vietnam War,

a time when American troops spent extended periods of time in hot, humid jungles.

Wearing tight-fitting undergarments reduced ventilation

and increased the risk of fungal infections in the groin area.




Generally, the higher a dog’s cholesterol,

the more likely they are to chase their tail.

Especially if they’re female!



