The Quadling Country Quiz!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


You will find out what the title means later in the quiz.

For now get your thinking caps on and have a go at the following twenty questions in this week’s fasab quiz.

As always, if you get stuck, you can find the answers waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down below, but please NO cheating!

Enjoy and good luck.




Q.  1:  The terms ‘curd’ and ‘whey’ are associated with making what?



Q.  2:  Which species of animal contains the most poisonous animal in the world?



Q.  3:  Which two metals are used to make pewter?



Q.  4:  What two fruits grow on palms? (A point for each correct answer and a bonus point if you are able to name both correctly.)



Q.  5:  What would you use ‘Archimedes’ Screw’ for?



Q.  6:  Amino acids are essential for the formation of what in the body?



Q.  7:  What can dogs do that wolves cannot?



Q.  8:  A ‘canton’, ‘halyard’ and ‘field’ make up what item?



Q.  9:  What are the two largest fruit crops on earth? (A point for each correct answer and a bonus point if you are able to name both correctly.)



Q. 10:  Which chemical has the symbol ‘CL’?



Q. 11:  Who wrote the famous book ‘Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’?



Q. 12:  Ireland is divided into two political entities, the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, how many counties comprise each part? (A point for each correct answer.)



Q. 13:  In what sport can you score a ‘waza-ari’, ‘ippon’ and ‘yuko’?



Q. 14:  The Knesset is the legislature of which country?



Q. 15:  What landlocked sea is 422m (1385ft) below sea level?



Q. 16:  Which monarch observed “L’etat, c’est moi”? (The language should give you a clue.)



Q. 17:  Where is the Yas Marina Motor Racing Circuit?



Q. 18:  The name was mentioned in the news a lot towards the end of 2014, which war was fought by Britain, France, Turkey and Piedmont against Russia between 1853 and 1856?



Q. 19:  In what land are ‘Quadling Country’, ‘Winkie Country’ and ‘Gillkin Country’ to be found?



Q. 20:  Which singer was ‘sailing’ in 1975?








































































Q.  1:  The terms ‘curd’ and ‘whey’ are associated with making what?

A.  1:  Cheese.



Q.  2:  Which species of animal contains the most poisonous animal in the world?

A.  2:  Frogs.



Q.  3:  Which two metals are used to make pewter?

A.  3:  Tin and Lead.



Q.  4:  What two fruits grow on palms? (A point for each correct answer and a bonus point if you are able to name both correctly.)

A.  4:  Coconuts and dates.



Q.  5:  What would you use ‘Archimedes’ Screw’ for?

A.  5:  Lifting water to a higher level



Q.  6:  Amino acids are essential for the formation of what in the body?

A.  6:  Proteins.



Q.  7:  What can dogs do that wolves cannot?

A.  7:  Bark.



Q.  8:  A ‘canton’, ‘halyard’ and ‘field’ make up what item?

A.  8:  A flag.



Q.  9:  What are the two largest fruit crops on earth? (A point for each correct answer and a bonus point if you are able to name both correctly.)

A.  9:  Grapes, followed by bananas.



Q. 10:  Which chemical has the symbol ‘CL’?

A. 10:  Chlorine.



Q. 11:  Who wrote the famous book ‘Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’?

A. 11:  Edward Gibbon. (You may have the point if you gave the surname only.)



Q. 12:  Ireland is divided into two political entities, the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, how many counties comprise each part? (A point for each correct answer.)

A. 12:  The Republic of Ireland has 26 counties and Northern Ireland 6.



Q. 13:  In what sport can you score a ‘waza-ari’, ‘ippon’ and ‘yuko’?

A. 13:  Judo.



Q. 14:  The Knesset is the legislature of which country?

A. 14:  Israel.



Q. 15:  What landlocked sea is 422m (1385ft) below sea level?

A. 15:  The Dead Sea.



Q. 16:  Which monarch observed “L’etat, c’est moi”? (The language should give you a clue.)

A. 16:  Louis XIV.



Q. 17:  Where is the Yas Marina Motor Racing Circuit?

A. 17:  Abu Dabi.



Q. 18:  The name was mentioned in the news a lot towards the end of 2014, which war was fought by Britain, France, Turkey and Piedmont against Russia between 1853 and 1856?

A. 18:  The Crimean War.



Q. 19:  In what land are ‘Quadling Country’, ‘Winkie Country’ and ‘Gillkin Country’ to be found?

A. 19:  The Land of Oz, from The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz.



Q. 20:  Which singer was ‘sailing’ in 1975?

A. 20:  Rod Stewart.



