Hubble, Bubble, Toil And…………..Some Really Great Photographs!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


When I was a kid one of the things I loved to do was to go over to my cousin’s house at night during the winter months when it was dark. He lived out in the country on a farm – and he had a telescope. It wasn’t an expensive one, but it was a lot better than anything I, or any of my friends, had so to me it was great.

Many evenings we spent looking at the moon and the stars. It fascinated me then and it fascinates me to this day.

I never did get a telescope of my own. For one thing anything decent was always a lot more than I could afford when I was a kid and for another as I grew up so did the town where I lived. To the extent that there was so much ambient light from street lights, lights in houses and buildings etc., that there was very little left to see.

When I was in Las Vegas I did make a few trips well out into the Nevada desert which provided some fantastic results. You really have no idea just how many stars are out there until you can view them from somewhere very remote. (BTW, I think what I saw were all stars, but with Area 51 and all that, you’re never really sure. Cue some Twilight Zone music!)  

So how much better would it be if you had  telescope actually out there in space?

Well for the past few years we have, and it’s a LOT better as you will see.

But enough of an intro from me. There are other bloggers who can write with much more knowledge and passion about these things, such as Alex at Things I love, so I’ll sign off and let you look at some of the Hubble photographs that I though were worth sharing.

And whether you believe in Creation or that it is all the chaotic result of a big fart that came from nowhere, enjoy the wonder and beauty of what is out there.






hubble detail



ant nebula hubble
ant nebula



helix nebula hubble
helix nebula



crab nebula hubble
crab nebula



enigmatic cloud hubble
enigmatic cloud



N90 hubble



centaur usa hubble
centaurus a



edge on galaxy hubble
edge on galaxy



spiral galaxy hubble
spiral galaxy



red spider nebula hubble
red spider nebula



tarantula nebula hubble
tarantula nebula



Stephan's quintet of galaxies hubble
Stephan’s quintet of galaxies



orion nebula hubble
orion nebula



colliding galaxies hubble
colliding galaxies



double cluster hubble
double cluster



cats eye nebula hubble
cats eye nebula



monocerotis hubble



carina nebula hubble
carina nebula



eagle nebula pillars of creation hubble
eagle nebula pillars of creation


