Fasab Quiz Day Again!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Quiz Day it is and that means another twenty brain teasing questions.

The usual random mixture and also as usual, if you get stuck, you can find the answers waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down below, but please, NO cheating!

Enjoy and good luck.


Quiz 07


Q.  1:  What is the most common non-contagious disease in the world?



Q.  2:  What drupaceous fruit were Hawaiian women once forbidden by law to eat?



Q.  3:  Arabic numerals originated in which country?



Q.  4:  What bird is used as the sign of peace?



Q.  5:  Who discovered penicillin?



Q.  6:  How many children were in Enid Blyton’s Famous Five?



Q.  7:  What was the name of the ‘professor’ in the movie trilogy ‘Back to the Future’?

            a)  Doc Holliday          b)  Doc Brown          c)  Doc Payne          d) Doc Jones



Q.  8:  What was the first daily comic strip published in the United States?



Q.  9:  During which “war” in the 1950’s were the slogans “Better Dead Than Red” and “Better Red Than Dead” popular?



Q. 10:  By what process does the sun’s energy reach the earth?



Q. 11:  What is the highest, or maximum, break in a game of snooker?



Q. 12:  Which word means the forecast of the probable course or outcome of a disease?



Q. 13:  10. What is the national symbol of Ireland?

            a)  Crown Jewels of Ireland    b) Celtic Cross    c) Celtic Harp    d) Irish Wolfhound



Q. 14:  What color are white grapes?



Q. 15:  What is floating wreckage at sea called?



Q. 16:  Who said: “I’m the president of the United States and I’m not going to eat any more broccoli”?



Q. 17:  What creatures are the Canary Islands named after?



Q. 18:  What weapon did German gunsmith August Kotter invent in 1520?



Q. 19:  What is the collective name for a group of beavers?



Q. 20:  And an easy one to finish, what type of animal inspired the creation of Bugs Bunny, Brer Rabbit, and the Easter Bunny?









































































Q.  1:  What is the most common non-contagious disease in the world?

A.  1:  Tooth Decay.



Q.  2:  What drupaceous fruit were Hawaiian women once forbidden by law to eat?

A.  2:  Coconuts.



Q.  3:  Arabic numerals originated in which country?

A.  3:  They originated in India.



Q.  4:  What bird is used as the sign of peace?

A.  4:  The Dove.



Q.  5:  Who discovered penicillin?

A.  5:  Alexander Fleming (in 1928).



Q.  6:  How many children were in Enid Blyton’s Famous Five?

A.  6:  Four.



Q.  7:  What was the name of the ‘professor’ in the movie trilogy ‘Back to the Future’?

            a)  Doc Holliday          b)  Doc Brown          c)  Doc Payne          d) Doc Jones

A.  7:  The correct answer is b) Doc Brown.



Q.  8:  What was the first daily comic strip published in the United States?

A.  8:  Mr. Mutt.



Q.  9:  During which “war” in the 1950’s were the slogans “Better Dead Than Red” and “Better Red Than Dead” popular?

A.  9:  The Cold War.



Q. 10:  By what process does the sun’s energy reach the earth?

A. 10:  Radiation.



Q. 11:  What is the highest, or maximum, break in a game of snooker?

A. 11:  147.



Q. 12:  Which word means the forecast of the probable course or outcome of a disease?

A. 12:  Prognosis.



Q. 13:  10. What is the national symbol of Ireland?

            a)  Crown Jewels of Ireland    b) Celtic Cross    c) Celtic Harp    d) Irish Wolfhound

A. 13:  The correct answer is c) The Celtic Harp.



Q. 14:  What color are white grapes?

A. 14:  Green.



Q. 15:  What is floating wreckage at sea called?

A. 15:  Flotsam (Jetsam is discarded material which has been washed ashore).



Q. 16:  Who said: “I’m the president of the United States and I’m not going to eat any more broccoli”?

A. 16:  George Bush.



Q. 17:  What creatures are the Canary Islands named after?

A. 17:  Dogs (probably a reference to monk seals once found around the islands, whose Latin translation is ‘sea dogs’).



Q. 18:  What weapon did German gunsmith August Kotter invent in 1520?

A. 18:  The Rifle.



Q. 19:  What is the collective name for a group of beavers?

A. 19:  A Colony.



Q. 20:  And an easy one to finish, what type of animal inspired the creation of Bugs Bunny, Brer Rabbit, and the Easter Bunny?

A. 20:  Well maybe not quite so easy, the correct answer is a Hare. (No points if you just said ‘rabbit’.)




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