Back To Normal Quiz

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


After a couple of festive mega quizzes it’s back to normal this week with a standard sized offering to test your knowledge.

As usual the answers can be found waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down below, but NO cheating please!



quiz 06


Q.  1:  What was Walt Disney’s Middle name?

           a) Ewart   b) Elias   c) Elliot    d) Ernest



Q.  2:  Which was the first state in America to pass a law which required vehicle occupants to wear seat belts, and what year did that law that come into effect? (A point for each part.)



Q.  3:  In which year did seat belts become compulsory in Great Britain?



Q.  4:  In Germany what is a ‘kaufhaus’?



Q.  5:  Which country has the longest land border with Russia?

           a) Mongolia        b) Kazakhstan        c) China



Q.  6:  ‘Hogmanay’ is another name for which day of the year?

            a) New Year’s Day        b) New Year’s Eve        c) Christmas Day



Q.  7:  Camp David, the country retreat of US Presidents, is in which state?



Q.  8:  The name of which Mexican snack food literally means ‘little cheese thing’?

           a) quesadilla        b) burrito        c) enchilada



Q.  9:  Absolute government by one person called what?



Q. 10:  The Egyptian god Anubis had the head of what animal?

            a) Jackal        b) Lion        c) Crocodile



Q. 11:  What was the first fully computer-generated feature length movie made by Pixar?

            a) Monsters Inc        b) A Bug’s Life        c) Toy Story



Q. 12:  Which Canadian city hosts the ‘Just For Laughs’ comedy festival every July?



Q. 13:  Who was the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Zeus?



Q. 14:  The US TV series ‘The Office’ was set in which Pennsylvanian city?



Q. 15:  What is measured on the Rankine scale?



Q. 16:  Who composed the opera ‘Cosi fan tutte’?



Q. 17:  What is the profession of Bill Murray’s character in ‘Groundhog Day’?



Q. 18:  ‘Mariculture’ is the cultivation of the animals and plants of which environment?

            a) Desert        b) Forest        c) Sea



Q. 19:  Writers from which country have won the Nobel Prize for Literature most often?

            a) America        b) Sweden        c) France        d) England



Q. 20:  What car is the prize possession of Clint Eastwood’s movie character ‘Walt Kowalski’?









































































Q.  1:  What was Walt Disney’s Middle name?

           a) Ewart   b) Elias   c) Elliot    d) Ernest

A.  1:  b) Elias.



Q.  2:  Which was the first state in America to pass a law which required vehicle occupants to wear seat belts, and what year did that law that come into effect? (A point for each part.)

A.  2:  New York in 1984 (December 1 to be precise).



Q.  3:  In which year did seat belts become compulsory in Great Britain?

A.  3:  1983.



Q.  4:  In Germany what is a ‘kaufhaus’?

A.  4:  A department store.



Q.  5:  Which country has the longest land border with Russia?

           a) Mongolia        b) Kazakhstan        c) China

A.  5:  b) Kazakhstan.



Q.  6:  ‘Hogmanay’ is another name for which day of the year?

            a) New Year’s Day        b) New Year’s Eve        c) Christmas Day

A.  6:  Hogmanay is celebrated on b) New Year’s Eve.



Q.  7:  Camp David, the country retreat of US Presidents, is in which state?

A.  7:  Maryland.



Q.  8:  The name of which Mexican snack food literally means ‘little cheese thing’?

           a) quesadilla        b) burrito        c) enchilada

A.  8:  a) quesadilla.



Q.  9:  Absolute government by one person called what?

A.  9:  Autocracy.



Q. 10:  The Egyptian god Anubis had the head of what animal?

            a) Jackal        b) Lion        c) Crocodile

A. 10:  a) Jackal.



Q. 11:  What was the first fully computer-generated feature length movie made by Pixar?

            a) Monsters Inc        b) A Bug’s Life        c) Toy Story

A. 11:  c) Toy Story.



Q. 12:  Which Canadian city hosts the ‘Just For Laughs’ comedy festival every July?

A. 12:  Montreal.



Q. 13:  Who was the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Zeus?

A. 13:  Jupiter.



Q. 14:  The US TV series ‘The Office’ was set in which Pennsylvanian city?

A. 14:  Scranton.



Q. 15:  What is measured on the Rankine scale?

A. 15:  The Rankine scale measures temperature.



Q. 16:  Who composed the opera ‘Cosi fan tutte’?

A. 16:  Mozart.



Q. 17:  What is the profession of Bill Murray’s character in ‘Groundhog Day’?

A. 17:  He plays the part of a TV weatherman.



Q. 18:  ‘Mariculture’ is the cultivation of the animals and plants of which environment?

            a) Desert        b) Forest        c) Sea

A. 18:  c) Sea.



Q. 19:  Writers from which country have won the Nobel Prize for Literature most often?

            a) America        b) Sweden        c) France        d) England

A. 19:  c) France.



Q. 20:  What car is the prize possession of Clint Eastwood’s movie character ‘Walt Kowalski’?

A. 20:  Gran Torino


