Dirty Harry? It Must Be Fact Day!

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


No dirty facts here. That’s someone else’s job.

Just good clean fun with another selection from the fabulous fasab fact file.


..Oh, and spare a thought for poor Betty Stobbs who for one split second thought she had made it.


facts 03


Dirty Harry’s badge number is 2211.




Frisian, a language native to the Netherlands,

is considered the easiest foreign language

for English speakers to learn

Nord friesische Dialekte



The amount the U.S. military spends annually

on air conditioning in Iraq and Afghanistan: $20.2 billion.

Keeping their cool



The Milky Way has four spiral arms, not two.

Milky Way galaxy



The main ingredient for chocolate are technically cacao beans,

but they are known throughout the cocoa industry as cocoa beans

because of a misspelling.

Cacao beans and chocolate



Cacao has been around for millions of years and

is probably one of the oldest of nature’s foods.

cacao beans



It has been calculated that in the last 3,000 years

there have only been 240 years of peace in the world




During the An Lushan rebellion in China in the mid 700s

nearly 40 million people died.

This was 1/6 of the world’s population.

An Lushan rebellion in China



Your brain is the fattest organ in your body at around 60%




Curfew comes from a combination of two French words

– “couvrir” and “feu”. Literally this means to “cover fire”.




In 1999, Betty Stobbs, 67, of Durham, England,

took a bale of hay to feed her flock of sheep

on the back of her motorcycle.

Her hungry sheep, however, charged her bike and

knocked her into a deep ravine.

She survived the fall but was killed

when her bike landed on top of her.

Betty Stobbs



Andrew Jackson was involved in as many as 100 duels,

most of which were fought to defend the honor of his wife.

Not surprisingly he was shot multiple times during his life.

Andrew Jackson duel



Alexander the Great is famous for a spying technique still used today.

He had all his soldiers write home to their families

and then intercepted the letters.

Whoever didn’t have something nice to say was executed.




If you are referred to as a “treasured guest”

in Disney don’t get carried away.

That means you’re an asshole and

workers are being warned about you

Sleeping Beauty Castle Disney



The voices of Yoda and Miss Piggy

were done by the same person.

His name is Frank Oz.



