Scared Of This, Scared Of That, Scared Of The Other Thing Too, Phobias part two

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Last week was the first installment in the list of phobias that afflict some unfortunate people. I think everyone, including me, was shocked both at the number of phobias and at the wide range of otherwise ‘normal’ things that people have developed an irrational and heightened fear of.

These lists may seem long, but they are actually my edited version of the information I have researched, so count yourselves lucky on that score!

In the ‘B’ list there are the more understandable or perhaps excusable things like Bacillophobia (fear of microbes) or Bacteriophobia (fear of bacteria), and in the ‘C’ list things like Cholerophobia (fear of anger or the fear of cholera) or Claustrophobia (fear of confined spaces), but apart from those it just gets silly. See for yourself. 

Here’s the list:    


Ballistophobia ……….. fear of missiles or bullets.


Bolshephobia ……….. fear of Bolsheviks.


Barophobia ……….. fear of gravity.


Basophobia or Basiphobia ……….. inability to stand or fear of walking or falling.


Bathmophobia ……….. fear of stairs or steep slopes.


Bathophobia ……….. fear of depth.


Batophobia ……….. fear of heights or being close to high buildings.


Batrachophobia ………. fear of amphibians, such as frogs, newts, salamanders, etc.


Belonephobia ……….. fear of pins and needles. (Aichmophobia)


Bibliophobia ……….. fear of books.


Blennophobia ……….. fear of slime.


Bogyphobia ……….. fear of bogeys or the bogeyman.


Botanophobia ……….. fear of plants.


Bromidrosiphobia or Bromidrophobia ……….. fear of body smells.


Brontophobia ……….. fear of thunder and lightning.


Bufonophobia ……….. fear of toads.


Cacophobia ……….. fear of ugliness.


Cainophobia or Cainotophobia ……….. fear of newness, novelty.


Caligynephobia ……….. fear of beautiful women.


Carnophobia ……….. fear of meat.


Catagelophobia ……….. fear of being ridiculed.


Catapedaphobia ……….. fear of jumping from high and low places.


Cathisophobia ……….. fear of sitting.


Catoptrophobia ……….. fear of mirrors.


Cenophobia or Centophobia ……….. fear of new things or ideas.


Ceraunophobia or Keraunophobia ……….. fear of thunder and lightning. (Astraphobia, Astrapophobia)


Chaetophobia ……….. fear of hair.


Cheimaphobia or Cheimatophobia ……….. fear of cold. (Frigophobia, Psychophobia)


Chemophobia ……….. fear of chemicals or working with chemicals.


Cherophobia ……….. fear of gaiety.


Chiclephobia ……….. fear of chewing gum


Chionophobia ……….. fear of snow.


Chiraptophobia ……….. fear of being touched.


Chirophobia ……….. fear of hands.


Chiroptophobia ……….. fear of bats.


Chorophobia ……….. fear of dancing.


Chrometophobia or Chrematophobia ……….. fear of money.


Chromophobia or Chromatophobia ……….. fear of colors.


Chronophobia ……….. fear of time.


Chronomentrophobia ……….. fear of clocks.


Cibophobia ……….. fear of food. (Sitophobia, Sitiophobia)


Cleithrophobia or Cleisiophobia ……….. fear of being locked in an enclosed place.


Cleptophobia ………. fear of stealing.


Climacophobia ……….. fear of stairs, climbing, or of falling downstairs.


Clinophobia ……….. fear of going to bed.


Clithrophobia or Cleithrophobia ……….. fear of being enclosed.


Cnidophobia ……….. fear of stings.


Cometophobia ……….. fear of comets.


Coimetrophobia ……….. fear of cemeteries.


Coitophobia ……….. fear of coitus.


Consecotaleophobia ……….. fear of chopsticks


Contreltophobia ……….. fear of sexual abuse.


Coprastasophobia ……….. fear of constipation.


Coprophobia ……….. fear of feces.


Coulrophobia ……….. fear of clowns.


Cremnophobia ……….. fear of precipices.


Cryophobia ……….. fear of extreme cold, ice or frost.


Cryptophobia ……….. fear of things that are hidden


Crystallophobia ……….. fear of crystals or glass.


Cyberphobia ……….. fear of computers or working on a computer.


Cyclophobia ……….. fear of bicycles.


Cymophobia or Kymophobia ……….. fear of waves or wave like motions.


Cynophobia ……….. fear of dogs or rabies.


Cyprinophobia ……….. fear of prostitutes or venereal disease.

