Take These Facts With A Pinch Of Salt (Water)

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”


Mind you if you do take these facts with a pinch of salt water you’ll be richer than you were.

Not by much though, but every little helps these days.

But enough of this.

Enjoy the facts.


facts 04


1 liter of saltwater contains

13 billionths of a gram of gold

gold dust



The US military has a secret,

nearly silent type of Velcro, which

reduces the ripping noise by over 95%.




The oldest recipe for beer is 4,000 years old.

It was first made by the Sumerians

Sumerian beer



The United States has by far the

most expensive college tuition

out of any developed nation




Spain has two enclaves (territories) in Africa.

They are Melilla and Ceuta.

Spanish enclaves in Africa



With over 10,000 beaches you could visit

a new beach every single day in Australia

for the next 30 years




There are 200 corpses of

deceased climbers on Mount Everest.

They serve as waypoints for climbers

deceased climbers on Mount Everest



There were actually two Boston Tea Parties

with the one you know about being

on December 16, 1773.

The Bostonians repeated it, however,

several months later on March 7, 1774




Wellington, New Zealand, is the

southern most capital city on Earth




The first documented use of toilet paper

dates back to 6th century China.

toilet paper



The English Dennis the Menace

and the American Dennis the Menace

were thought up by completely independent authors

and published on the same day – March 12, 1951.

UK and US Dennis the Menaces



In October of 1998 Terrence Dickson of Pennsylvania

was trying to exit the house he was robbing.

He managed to get stuck in the garage

and for 8 days he lived off of Pepsi and dog food.

He then successfully sued for over half a million dollars.

stuck under garage door




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